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Our Solution for

Vanquis Bank

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The Challenge

Vanquis was set up by Provident Financial in 2002. Following extensive marketing and advertising, increased business volumes resulted in the customer services department moving to larger premises at Chatham in 2008, in part of what used to be the Chatham Naval Dockyards.


In 2009 Vanquis re-branded themselves, sparking the need for a digital re-brand with a strong focus on user experience (UX) and integration with back end banking systems. With a user base of over 1 million, Vanquis needed an app that would enable its customers to stay in control of their money, and enjoy doing it.

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Change is good, and even better when our clients can adapt to it. With a focus on solving tomorrow's problems today, we endeavour to make your business's change seamless and effective.

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The Solution

Our solution was a Xamarin Forms application with connections to Microsoft Azure. 

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We designed and delivered a cutting edge application with first class user experience. Integrated seamlessly with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution, the app delivers up to date, accurate financial information in a strong user interface with embedded security and privacy measures. The robust infrastructure supports over 2000 concurrent users.

The Result

Vanquis understood and put a high premium on having a strong digital presence that integrated seamlessly with their back end systems. Their ambition paid off as they received the FINTECH App of the Year Award in 2018, and a Trust Pilot First Class rating (9/10).


A strong relationship based on Trust and dedication along with a well developed understanding of what the Bank, End user and operations team needed were ingredients for a world class implementation.

Let's talk about your solution

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